How many times have you filled out a lengthy medical history form at a doctor’s clinic?

How many times have you replied / written “I don’t know” or “Don’t remember” or “Not available” against family medical history columns?

How many times have you heard the horror story that a friend, relative or a colleague got the wrong medication in an emergency room due to lack of his / her past medical information?

Do you regret that you did not listen to your parents when they told you to have a hearty breakfast everyday… especially that now you are in your 40’s, and your parents were diagnosed with diabetes only last year? You could have made lifestyle changes in your 30′s so you had a better chance of battling diabetes when it would affect you – but did anyone tell you that?

Who owns your money in your bank account? Similarly, who ought to own your medical data with the hospitals and labs?

Do you want to have a common place where you can leave a record of the medical issues you have been having at various stages of your life? And some valuable health advice that you would like your children to follow when they grow up and have the maturity to read and follow what you shared with them?

Chances are – and increasingly so – that you need Swasthaadhaar.